Tag Archives: Tarte

QVC Exclusive tarte Amazonian Clay & Mascara 4-pc Starter Kit with Brush

21 Jul

Hey Tartlette’s! Maureen’s on the Q today. And with her she’s brought the most fantastic kit, with a spectacular price! With a Try Me Price of $26.36, you can’t go wrong! I’m thinking about grabbing up some for gifts!

Here’s what you get:
0.17 oz Amazonian clay infused perfect pink cheek tint
0.06 oz emphasEYES waterproof clay shadow/liner in Black
0.24 fl oz Lights, Camera, Lashes mascara
0.12 oz Amazonian clay eye shadow duo in Beige and Taupe
Double-ended eyeliner brush

I heart Tarte’s clay shadow/liner so bad, its the best eyeliner ever! I have almost all the colors now. They are spectacular! I can’t wait to get my hands on it.

You get all these great goodies, boxed up in this super cute box.

Don’t wait, grab it while the price is good! (and while there are any left!)

Grab it @ QVC

Hugs & Lip Gloss,
Beauty Mama

tarte EyeQuatics Waterproof Summer Essentials Set *Sephora Exclusive*

18 Jul

So for starters. I love tarte. I’ve never met a tarte product that I didn’t like until just recently. I’d also like to mention that I hate writing bad reviews. Especially for a tarte product. But I must. My blog is all honesty, and even though I love tarte, I did not like this product at all. I was really excited to try this kit, and it fell short, big time.

So I guess for starters lets go over whats in it.
You get a deluxe Lights, Camera, Splashes! 4-in-1 Natural Waterproof Mascara, 3-Lock & Roll Creaseless Eye Shadow Duos in Lavendar, Teal, Champagne, Mod-Chic Head Scarf

Here are the cream colors by themselves:

Here are the loose powders by themselves:

And here is what they look like when used together:

This is the scarf, its really pretty, and its huge:

Ok so here comes the pros and cons:

The Pros:
It has a really pretty scarf, that is very big. It comes with a deluxe Light, Camera, Splashes! I did not review this product. I am assuming that I will like this product when I use it or someone will if I give it as a gift. I like the Lights, Camera, Lashes! so I am assuming that it is similar, just has waterproof qualities. Sorry I am frugal, and currently have mascaras open so I don’t want to waste.

The Cons:
I believe that they’re either old or have been sitting somewhere hot. Which made it maybe not perform as well. The purple was all seperated and there was no way to get it shook back together, it was gross. The first and only color I used on my eyelids was champagne. With primer it felt cakey, dry and very weird. Without primer, I don’t know how to explain it, but it did not go on smooth. It was more sheer in some spots, and it started to set so quickly that if I went back over the spot to correct, it messed it up even more. The only results I had were on the back of my hand when I swatched it. I don’t know if I would call it waterproof, it rinsed off pretty easy, without the use of soap.

The roller balls were ridiculously hard to use. I couldn’t get anything out unless I pushed REALLY hard. Other then that not much came out. I can’t imagine someone actually trying to push that hard on their eyelids to roll it on. Ouch!
My BIGGEST complaint. And I had forgot that I read this previously on a Sephora.com review. I swatched the teal on my hand. Like I said the colors rinsed off easily. HOWEVER. The teal. Oh. My. Gosh. Left a teal line on the top of my hand…….for 3, THREE!! days. WHAT?!?! I was on Sephora earlier, and tons of people are saying the same thing. Thats just crazy. SO beware….Do NOT put the Teal on your eyelids!

I’m really shocked at this kit. When I first heard about Lock & Roll Creaseless Shadows, I was like, that sounds perfect for my oily eyelids. Not so much. It was an awful product. I haven’t decided if I’m keeping it. I am just glad that I bought it when it was $15 and not whatever it used to be. I haven’t decided if the scarf and deluxe mascara are worth the $15 to keep, or gift to someone.
I do not recommend this set what so ever. 😦 Sorry tarte.

Hugs & Lip Gloss,
Beauty Mama

tarte At Easeâ„¢ Micronized Clay Calming Concealer

14 Jul

So if your on the edge of her seat, wondered, “did she? Did she get the tarte concealer?”
Yes, yes I did. Sephora kindly got their butts in gear and it arrived last thursday. I’ve just been testing it out before I weighed in on it.

I like it a lot. If it also covered blemishes, I think I’d love it. But it didn’t do a whole lot in that department. In its defense, it didn’t claim that it would, I was just hoping. However my skin has been pretty blemish free, so its all good.

What it is, and what it does: A corrective yellow cream and powder concealer that reduces redness associated with rosacea and sun exposure by 50% in just 4 weeks.

This concealer contains good for your skin goodies, such as:

-Amazonian clay: Nature’s most perfect ingredient, a multitasking and skin-balancing clay.
-ARPMâ„¢: Anti-redness peptide matrix that is clinically proven to reduce redness associated with rosacea and sun exposure by 50% in just 4 weeks.
-Camellia tea: A powerful astringent that contains toning properties, is rich in antioxidants, and helps reduce puffiness and inflammation.
-Honey Extract: A natural humectant that helps reduce inflammation and aide in tissue healing.
-Aloe Leaf Extract: A widely-known plant extract with soothing, healing, and antiseptic properties that helps maintain moisture balance in the skin.

What it does:
This neutralizing yellow concealer is infused with a proprietary ARPMâ„¢ (anti-redness peptide matrix) to regulate and decrease the secretion of a pro-inflammatory protein that causes redness and inflammation, which effectively reduces both. The skin-saving, High-Performance Naturalâ„¢ concealer combines with the antioxidant properties of tea, the calming properties of aloe leaf, and the soothing quality of honey. The neutralizing yellow setting powder adds an extra skin-calming layer, infused with the skin perfecting Amazonian clay, nature’s most perfect ingredient. This acts as a total skin balancer by reducing dryness and flakiness, improving clarity and texture, and removing surface oil to mattify the skin for a soft focus and flawless finish; all while replenishing and rehydrating skin.

What else you need to know:
In addition to Amazonian clay, At Easeâ„¢ Micronized Clay Calming Concealer contains ARPMâ„¢, an anti-redness peptide matrix that is clinically proven to reduce redness associated with rosacea and sun exposure by 50% in just 4 weeks, camellia tea, which is a powerful astringent with toning properties that help reduce puffiness and inflammation, honey extract to help reduce inflammation and aide in tissue healing, and aloe leaf extract, which is widely known for its soothing, healing, and antiseptic properties that help maintain moisture balance in the skin.

(Above info courtesy of Sephora)

I personally can’t vouch for the reducing redness over time because its only been a week. However it does cover and conceal my redness that I have. I also really really like that it is not thick, or cakey. It evens things out, and blends in well. As it states its a 2 part system. Cream concealer on top, powder in the bottom. It works quite flawlessly. It really does work as far as covering redness, so I’m pretty sure that over time with the special ingredients in it, that it would help redness subside as well.
It also has NOT broke me out. I think thats important to mention. Because a lot of concealers do break me out. I have very mild rosacea. Mostly just areas on my face that stay red. This has really helped. I can’t stress enough how much it would be of help to someone with moderate to severe rosacea. And because it doesn’t have a lot of garbage like other products, it aids in helping with rosacea. Because when you already have a skin condition acne, rosacea, etc. You really don’t need anything chemicals, etc being unpleasant to your skin.

At the moment I believe its a Sephora exclusive. You can get to it by clicking on any of the pictures or here.

Hugs & Lip Gloss,
Beauty Mama

Tarte Liftedâ„¢ Natural Eye Primer with Firmitolâ„¢

6 Jul

Oh Boy where do I start? You know the age old question amongst your girlfriends, “If you were stuck on a desert island, or if you could only have 1 thing out of your beauty bag, what would be?” I know that I’ve gushed about how spectacular tarte’s Amazonian Clay products are. And they are. But…… For me, this may be it. This may be my “it” product.

Fantastic, Amazing, Spectacular, Wonderful, Powerful, should I go on? Yes, Lets…….

Ok Now, let me be clear on something before I go any further, and coming off like some professional or a know it all. 2 weeks ago, I did not wear an eyeshadow primer. Did not understand the concept of it, didn’t believe it, etc., etc I could go on and on. Now…its different. Not only do I more then get it, I don’t know how I EVER did my eye makeup with out it. I really don’t. 2 weeks ago, I learned about tarte’s eyelid primer, and at the same moment, I also learned it was like 20 bucks. I said ya, right, thats crazy. Now granted I wanted it. I have the worlds most oily eye lids, and the sheer thought of something not only making my eyeshadow not crease but make it last all day, made me jump for joy. But at $20, my frugalista side showed up, and said, “Whoa, Girly”. But now? I’d drop $20 (if I had it) on it without thinking about it.

However a few days later, I received my femme naturale palette. And in it, was a FREE deluxe eyelid primer sample, I was sooooo flippin’ excited…no really. I think for a brief few seconds I was more excited about the primer, then the palette. Silly me.
So I thought what better way to try it out, then with my new palette. For the next few days..I kept track and added time to how long my eye make up had been on. The first day it was 8 hours…still there, next day 12 hours, and the day after that, I was up late. And you know what?! 15 HOURS LATER….it was still there, NO creasing, NO oiliness, EVERY bit of my eye make up was still there! All of it. It looked exactly the same as when I put it on. It is soooooo utterly amazing, I don’t even know if there is an excited enough word for it.

It is a sheer nude shade. Blends in well, and sets quickly, and doesn’t feel heavy on my eyelids. In fact, one day I was running late and forgot to use it. I noticed with the primer on I don’t feel my eye make up on my eyelids. With it off, I felt it, my eye make up felt greasy and heavy.

I only have the deluxe size, and I’ll be sad when its gone, as funds are tight and replacing it right this second might be hard. But it should last me a good while. The tube seems to have quite a bit in it, so the full size would probably last me forever. One of my favorite ways to use this product isn’t even when I’m wearing eye make up. Even if I am having just a quick makeup day, wear I just buff on some bronzer I will still use the primer. Reason being, is that I put a little bronzer my eyes to give them some color, and then Im out the door. Holds the color of the bronzer as well as keeps my eye lids from getting oily. Awesome!

I’m not recommending it…..I’m telling you, that you and your eyelids NEED this!!!

Available @ Sephora, and tarte.com

What do you think?

Have it, Love it, or Want it?

Tell ME!

Its Coming!! tarte At Easeâ„¢ Micronized Clay Calming Concealer!

6 Jul

As soon as Sephora gets their butt in gear and ships my order, I will have this in my little hands to review. Should ship today which means I should get it friday at the latest. If you have rosacea, acne or any other skin conditions that need mellowing out, you’ll definitely want to come back. Until then you can soak in all the info and get ready to hear more!!

tarte weekly special @ Sephora

1 Jul

EyeQuatic Waterproof Summer Essentials Set

This set contains:
– 0.1 oz Lights, Camera, Splashes! 4-in-1 Natural Waterproof Mascara
– 3 x 0.16 oz Lock & Roll Creaseless Eye Shadow Duo in Lavendar, Teal, Champagne
– Mod-Chic Head Scarf

Only $15, this week @ Sephora, while quantities last, grab one before their gone!!

LOVE IT!! tarte High Definition Eyes *Sephora Limited Edition*

1 Jul

This is another great Tarte deluxe kit I purchased from Sephora.
It includes tarte’s EmphasEYESâ„¢ inner rim eye liner in Black and
Lights, Camera, Lashes! clinically proven natural mascara in Black.

A little info off Sephora:

EmphasEYESâ„¢ inner rim eye pencil is a deeply pigmented, high-definition liner specifically designed to gently glide on to the inner rims of eyes, filling in any gaps in the lash line. The dermatologist-tested liner won’t irritate the sensitive eye area. Lights, Camera, Lashes!, the only natural mascara clinically proven to instantly increase lash volume by 424% while lengthening, curling, and conditioning lashes!

formulated WITHOUT:
– Parabens
– Sulfates
– Synthetic Fragrances
– Synthetic Dye
– Petro-Chemicals
– Phthalates

EmphasEYESâ„¢ inner rim eye pencil contains skinvigoratingâ„¢ ingredients like natural plant waxes to ensure smooth, non-irritating application, vitamins A & E to help fight free radical damage, soothing aloe leaf extract, and naturally soothing and softening mineral pigments. Lights, Camera, Lashes! clinically proven natural mascara also contains skinvigoratingâ„¢ ingredients such as rice bran wax to help lengthen and volumize lashes, carnauba wax to ensure a smooth application and hold lash curl, provitamin B5 to treat and thicken lashes, olive esters to condition, treat, and protect lashes, and mineral pigments known for their soothing and softening properties. Both products are dermatologist tested and do not contain gluten, dyes, talc, or MEA/ DEA/ TEA.

Now onto my review…

Liner first..

What I love about this eyeliner, aside from the fact that it does not hurt my eyes is that it defines my eyes and makes them pop, without screaming EYELINER! I’m not always the greatest at a straight line so I love that this defines my eye, but doesn’t look to over the top.

Mascara swatch on left, followed by eyeliner. The tip is very fine so you get a very fine line or if you were to wear it as traditional liner you could do a bolder line if you chose to. It comes in quite a few colors and I’m excited to try more in the future. I really like the wearability of it. Meaning that it not only doesn’t hurt my eyes, but it stays on the waterline where I put it. I’ve had 1 previous encounter with a “supposed” inner rim liner. Worst experience EVER. Not only did I get little flakes in my eyes, but it made my eyes all red, itchy and irritated. This does NONE of those things.

Now onto the Mascara:

I love love love this mascara. I will admit, normally I’m a bit of a mascara snob. The only thing thats touched my lashes in the last couple years is 100% Pure Lengthening and Conditioning mascara. I had bought this kit for a couple reasons, one the price and two the eyeliner, so the mascara was a bonus, but I was still definitely curious. I love how it lengthens, seperates, and gives them a boost. Or as tarte calls it “push up bra for your lashes.” I normally end up with mascara under my eyes at some point during the day, but not with this. Its quite bulletproof. Seriously. I actually had a hard time getting it off. But I found a great eye makeup remover and it took it off no problem. The also just came out with a waterproof version for all you beach babes out there. I’d love to see more colors. I love different colored mascaras.

Only $15 @ Sephora, grab it up while its still available.

tarte Amazonian Clay Liquid Foundation with Brush

1 Jul

I like this stuff I really do. Now whether or not I personally would classify it as a foundation, thats a different story. Exclusive to QVC they list it as a light-medium coverage foundation. I think that light is definitely the word. It wasn’t as thick as I was expecting/wanting. To me it seems more like a tinted moisturizer. But since its summer thats ok by me.

Key Points:

Blends easily into skin
Micro-treated mineral pigments diffuse the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles,
Infused with tarte’s Amazonian white clay
Gently balances and helps to correct skin concerns
Improves the appearance of skin’s texture, clarity, and firmness.
Luminizes and balances your complexion.
Skinvigorating ingredients like chamomile, vitamins A, C, and E, and sodium hyaluronate
All skin types

I like the clay in it. It has made my face less oily and it has given it better clarity. It lasts through the day, evens out my skintone, quickly and flawlessly. Love it, and would buy it again. I’m very excited to try the powder version as well.

As I said its exclusive to the Q, and they also include a foundation brush along with it, thats worth $29.

I got this in the Light, because Fair tends to usually be too porcelain. But I probably could very well wear either shade. It comes in 4 shades. Fair, Light, Medium, and Deep.

QVC has a lot of tarte Amazonian Clay goodies, exclusive of course. Grab them up, and get yourself acquainted with Amazonian Clay, one of natures most amazing beauty secrets.

tarte femme naturale eyeshadow palette

25 Jun

I love love love this palette. Unfortunately now that I own 1 tarte palette I want more. They are simply spectacular. I love Maureen’s vision of make-up needing to look good when you pull it out of your purse to use it. I love all the purple boxes that the products and I love all fashionable compacts. They are so cute!

WAIT! Did you catch what it said in the top left corner on the front of the box?

Oh yes, free eyelid primer! sweet! Someone in make-up heaven must have been listening when I said the other day that I wanted the eyelid primer. 🙂

All kinds of good stuff!!

Seriously! How cute is this? With the flower with the zippered edge? Adorable!

This is no thin cheapy palette. This has a nice weight and thickness to it.

10 full size colors, a double ended brush, and a double ended eyeliner. This really is a spectacular deal. It costs $44. Now before you frugal-istas go wow thats alot for alot. First remember, you get what you pay for. You are getting good quality ingredients. And second. If you added up what it could cost for a double ended brush, a double ended eyeliner and 10 full size eyeshadows, I bet even with the cheap drugstore brands you’d have more into it then $44.

The colors are amazing. heavy pigmented and have great staying power.

Color Swatches from the first row:
From left to right: shimmering buff, golden peach, soft sand, shimmering sage, soft sienna

Color Swatches from the second row:
From left to right: golden tan, soft rose, golden plum, shimmering cocoa, golden navy

Also includes a step by step card with 2 complete looks to play with. I chose the first look, which used all the colors in row one, the goldish colored eyeliner. It was hard to get the camera to get a good shot, but it looked fantastic.

Double ended eyeliner and Brush

Eyeliner Swatches

I love everything about this kit. I was quite surprised with how smooth and creamy the eyeliners were. Not hard and rough on the eyes like most traditional wooden eyeliners are, and the colors are beautiful. All ten colors of eyeshadow are very nicely pigmented. I didn’t need alot when applying and it stayed all day. I was also extremely impressed with my deluxe size eyelid primer that came with my set, that was a really nice surprise I wasn’t expecting that at all. My oily eyelids loved it and made my color stay strong without any creasing all day. I will do a seperate review of the eye lid primer next week.

I have absolutely no complaints with this product. Its awesome. Owning one makes you want to own them all! 🙂

Available at Sephora, QVC, and Tarte.com

What do you think? Do you own it, Love it, or want it? Tell me!

tarte EyeQuatic Waterproof Summer Essentials Set

24 Jun

What it is:
A limited-edition set that contains all your waterproof eye-ssentials.

What it does:
This colorful eye-quatic collection has everything you need for balmy summer days. It includes three new, mermaid-inspired lock & roll creaseless cream & powder shadow duos, a deluxe mini lights, camera, splashes! 4-in-1 natural waterproof mascara, and a free mod-chic head scarf. These basics are sure to make a splash in your beauty routine this summer.

This set contains:
– 0.1 oz Lights, Camera, Splashes! 4-in-1 Natural Waterproof Mascara
– 3 x 0.16 oz Lock & Roll Creaseless Eye Shadow Duo in Lavendar, Teal, Champagne
– Mod-Chic Head Scarf

Info/Images courtesy of Sephora.com