Tag Archives: skincare

Korres Pomegranate Cleansing Mask

11 Jul

I received this the other day. And after just having had a really bad incident with sunless tanner, that left my face badly broke out, I couldn’t wait to use this.

This is Korres Pomegranate Cleansing Mask. It is formulated for Oily/Combination Skin. It has White Argil, which is a natural sebum(oil) absorbing clay. It removes impurities and deeply cleanses the skin. It will leave your complexion fresh and radiant. Pomegranate extract is rich in something called Tannins and Polyphenols. This reduces pore size and rejuvenates the skin. It also contains Zinc. Which regulates oil secretion and provides antibacterial protection, and balances oily skin. Lactic Acid, a natural AHA, gently exfoliates without irritating the skin. Revealing younger skin. Jojoba oil nourishes and hydrates, leaves the skin velvety soft

Pomegranate is Korres solution to oily combination skin. The Pomegranate line includes this mask, a scrub, a balancing cream-gel, and cleansing wipes. (review coming up next!)

A little about Korres, courtesy of their website:
Established in 1996, out of Greece’s oldest homeopathic pharmacy, KORRES today offers advanced natural formulations that deliver maximum results. The active natural extracts used in the formulas ensure enhanced product performance, bringing you clinically proven, advanced skincare benefits, while also avoiding harmful synthetic compounds, to ensure maximum skin compatibility and environmentally- conscious products.

Free of garbage, and toxic chemicals, and all packaging components are recyclable!

My first thoughts upon pulling this out of the box was,”Oh my what a tiny tube for $27!” I quickly got over that. For one it spreads very nicely, easily, and evenly. And two. I conserve my face masks. I bought a cheap foundation brush from the dollar store, that I reserve strictly for facial masks. Not only do I not get stuff all over my hands, but you use significantly use much less product. There by making a product such as this more practical. Normally, I would not spend $27 on a face mask, that comes with such a small amount of product. However, I firmly believe in quality. I believe you have to spend more, to actually get good quality product. And I also know that if you use it properly, you will get many, many uses out of it. I used about the size of a dime, maybe a little tad more, and I barely put a dent in the tube. This will last me quite a while, and many uses.

Upon application it smelled pleasant. Not an overbearing smell. I have used a lot facial masks. I don’t really have a preference as to whether it is unscented or scented. All I ask is that it doesn’t smell bad, and that it isn’t to strong burning my eyes and nose.
This had a light smell which was nice. It also like I said went on smoothly. It felt nice. Instructions are to apply to clean, dry skin, and leave on for 10 minutes. And then rinse off with lukewarm water. Ideal for use once a week, especially after using the coordinating Pomegranate scrub. This is the best face mask I’ve ever used.

The Results?
Spectacular!! I simply LOVE this mask. At 10 minutes, I didn’t feel that super dried out feeling that I have felt with other clay masks. I rinsed it off. My face looked great, had more clarity to it, and a slight glow as well. The next morning was even better. When I woke up, it had cleared up my sunless tanner incident. It also didn’t produce a bunch of extra oil, from being dried out, like some clay masks do to your face. It felt refreshed and balanced. It was awesome!! I love this mask, and will definitely buy it again once this is gone. This is a spectacular product, and I have no doubt that when used in conjunction with the other Korres Pomegranate line, your skin would feel and look amazing, and thank you a million times over.

You can find this mask as well as the rest of the Korres line @Sephora, Sephora.com, and Korresusa.com

Hugs & Lip Gloss,
Beauty Mama

This item was given to the Beauty Mama, for review purposes at Beauty Like No Other.
A huge thanks to Käthe, for making that possible! 🙂

Ole Henricksen Anyone?

4 Jul

Eh maybe, maybe not. I’m going with probably NOT.

Have never tried the brand but it seems as though they have a some what decent line. Whats not decent…their customer service. Do companies not get that when consumers call, especially new consumers, THIS IS THEIR FIRST IMPRESSION of YOU! Make it Count!

I’ve never used their products, but the other day I sat down, and made a list of companies that I felt had good potential products that I would like to review for my site. Ole Henricksen was, WAS one of them. My skin has been misbehaving lately and I’m trying to get it under control.

So I called them. I encountered a woman, who clearly took her job WAY to seriously. I simply asked her if they did PR in house and if they did, could she please put me in touch with someone in PR/Marketing. She immediately said, “who is this?” And I told her my name. She said OK,….(you know the the “ok” that means, I don’t know you)..and rudely asked me what company I worked for. I told her that I wasn’t with a company, that I write a beauty blog and was interested in writing an entry about their company. Apparently because I was not the Queen of England and not at all special to her, not only did she not transfer me she informed me in not so many words that they were set for the next year on “bloggers”, and that my blog needed to be pretty spectacular to be given any products to review anyways, and was MY blog spectacular?


She was so rude. I even asked her for one…. 1 people, one bubble packet of a mask. Not so much for review purposes, but I as a person with misbehaving skin wanted to try before I buy. She said they don’t do samples….(Lie…I’ve gotten something of OH, in my Sephora order before.) This is no new concept. If you, as a company are selling a $68 skincare set, you better believe that at least ONE if not a hundred people are going to call and ask to sample your product, before they just throw down $68 and make you richer.

There were 2 kits on Sephora that I was interested in. WAS. I could careless..I talked to other fabulous, friendly PR girls this week who apparently do love their job and understand the importance of being polite. I have no desire to do business with this company, whether I buy it or they ship it to me free, saying sorry, I’m not doing it.

Im even more relieved that I didn’t even go down the Ole Henricksen path…..reviews on Sephora…Ouch, Not so GOOD.