Tag Archives: One Bath and Body

One Bath and Body- Oh, my gosh! Lotion Massage Bar

8 Jul

You know that feeling at the end of the day. You know the one. The one where your feet hurt soooo bad, but you can’t get a foot rub? calling all women of the 21st century, whose husbands don’t give foot rubs!! (well unless you ask maybe)

This is YOUR foot rub to yourself. Its called Oh, My Gosh Lotion Massage Bar. And Oh my Gosh is right. After you’ve had a long day, and showered sit down and run this over your feet. The lotion just melts into your skin, while the Aduki beans rub your feet to sheer delight. My feet are ticklish, however this bar, and the little rubbing beans, made me think exactly that…Oh My Gosh.

It felt so good. My feet felt so pampered when I was done. I put it back in the adorable storage tin, then I got my favorite fuzzy socks on and went to bed, and in the morning when I woke up, my feet felt so relaxed, and soft. Such a great item, I would definitely buy this again. It makes a great addition along with any of the other One Items for a spa gift basket which I have done a couple times now, and people love these!

Bits and pieces of juicy info off the packaging:
-natural beauty
-cruelty free
-no plastics

-melts the stress away, and heals the aching body
-help One save the planet from packaging waste, please buy recyclable products

Directions: Place directly on skin, it will actually tingle as it glides over your body. Massage into skin concentrating on tense muscles and sore spots. Caution Highly addictive, leaves your skin relaxed and smelling great.

Love it! Would definitely buy it again. I’m really starting to love the lotion bar concept. Its great.
You can find this item at Target.

DISCLOSURE: This item was given to me for review purposes for my site and I greatly appreciate it.

One Bath and Body Press Release

3 Jul

Found this Press Release from One Bath and Body and def thought it was some good readin’. So park it, and read on…



THINK: Preserve the planet as you pamper your skin.

WHAT IT IS: A new standard of green. One beautiful world begins with conscientious living. And conscientious living means preventing waste to save the planet, helping us all live more beautifully. ONE is committed to promoting natural beauty without compromising the beauty of the earth, providing eco-friendly products in recyclable, plastic-free packaging to rejuvenate the spirit and save the planet.

ONE takes eco-conscious to the next level, uniting superior natural ingredients and recyclable packaging to offer genuinely earth-friendly products. From pampering bath formulas to nourishing moisturizers, the entire collection is infused with rich essential oils, natural butters and delicate fragrance, energizing the mind and body with quality natural ingredients.

While some green brands stop at natural ingredients, ONE goes beyond healthy formulations by housing the collection in eco-conscious packaging. Because most recycling centers won’t accept used plastic lotion and shampoo bottles—bottles that take over 1,000 years to biodegrade—ONE exclusively packages its unprecedented collection in recyclable cardboard cartons and tins, housing nourishing, natural products in equally planet-friendly containers. The breakthrough collection includes:

ONE Bar Soap ($5.99): Wash away the day the natural way with this nourishing bar soap, formulated with glycerin and natural oils to gently cleanse and condition. Each soap is housed in a 100% recyclable paper sleeve.

Available Scents: Sweet Honey, Blast from the Past, Just 4 Me!, Extra Virgin, Citrus Peel, Peace

ONE Solid Shampoo and Conditioner Bars ($6.99): Think of all the shampoo bottles you’ve thrown away in your day—there’s a good chance each and every one is still sticking around in a landfill (even if it started out in a recycling bin). Make the switch to earth-friendly (and travel-smart tin) shampooing with ONE’s solid shampoo bar, a concentrated formula equivalent to three 8 oz. bottles of shampoo in one recyclable cardboard container. Formulated with soothing oatmeal and conditioning natural oils, the bar lets you lather up with just three or four rubs over wet hair, providing a deep clean with a fresh scent. Follow with ONE’s Solid Conditioner Bar to naturally nourish and hydrate hair.

Available Scents: It’s Green (for bouncy lively hair), Goldilocks (name should be a clue!), Squeaky Clean (for oily hair), Hair Biscuit (for yummy hair)

ONE Bath Fizzer ($5.99): Turn your bath into a soothing retreat with ONE’s relaxing Bath Fizzers. When placed in warm running water, the fizzers fill the room with fragrance to create a total spa experience that calms the spirits and soothes the skin. Each recyclable cardboard carton contains one essential oil-infused Bath Fizzer, which can be used for a long luxurious bath or two shorter spa sessions.

Available Scents: I Need This!, Honey Please, Love is in the Bath, Blue Earth

ONE After Shower Skin Conditioner Bar ($6.49): Pamper your skin with a rich blend of natural oils overnight with this conditioning solid moisturizer. Just rub over your skin after a shower and let the nourishing natural ingredients penetrate the skin as you sleep. Your body’s prescription for dry, irritated skin, the Conditioner Bar smoothes and renews overnight.

Available Scents: Nighty-Nite, Sweeten My Skin

ONE Bubble Bath Cake ($8.99): (Almost) good enough to eat, this earth-friendly solid bubble bath dissolves in warm water to give bath time a bubbly boost. Just crumble one of the three disks included in each cardboard carton (no plastic necessary) under running water to unwind and soothe skin.

Available Scents: Decadence, Peace, Berry Swirl, Blue Taffy

ONE Shea Body Butter ($9.99): This creamy, rich butter envelops skin, hydrating from your finger tips to toes. Housed in a recyclable tin, the shea-infused formula soothes and smoothes overworked skin.

Available Scents: Citrus Peel, Shea My Body, Cherry Blossom Trails, Wild Coconut You!

ONE Body Lotion ($8.99): Quench skin with this rich body lotion, formulated with nourishing shea butter and essential oils to soothe and hydrate skin. The recyclable tube and cap make ONE Body Lotion an eco-smart choice.

Available Scents: Citrus Spice and Everything Nice, Movie Star Skin, Vanilla Almond Custard, Cloud 9

ONE Lip Butter Balm ($2.99): Formulated with moisturizing shea butter to heal and hydrate chapped lips, these deliciously flavored balms leave lips kissable.

Available Scents: Honey Cream, Coco-coconut, Cherry Pie, Lip Tune-Up, Berry Delicious, Shea My Lips

ONE Lotion Massage Bar ($9.99): Blended with the finest moisturizing butters and essential oils from around the world, this calming bar instantly melts on warm skin to release tension and help you unwind. Just massage onto skin, concentrating on aching muscles and sore areas.

Available Scents: Oh, My Gosh!, Calming Bar

ONE Fizzy Bath Salt ($9.99): Unwind with the essential oil infusion of ONE’s fizzy bath salts, designed to promote relaxation and calm your spirit. Just one tin contains enough fizzy salt for 10 de-stressing baths.

Available Scents: I’m Sleepy, Stress No More!

ONE Body Scrub ($7.99): This ultra-concentrated scrub naturally whisks away dry skin, leaving you soft and smooth from head to toe.

Available Scents: Cherry Blossom Trail, Citrus Peel, Sweet Honey, Wild Coconut You!

ONE Sponges ($2.99 – $4.99): Make bath time even more invigorating with ONE’s collection of five gently exfoliating sponges.

WHERE TO FIND IT: Select Target Stores (all Target Stores 3/1/10); Target.com; Fred Meyer Stores. Coming soon to Raley’s and other national retailers.

One Squeaky Clean Shampoo/One Hair Boost Conditioner

10 May

So I stumbled acrossed these little gems while I was on one of my weekly target stops. Solid shampoos and conditioners are by no means a new thing. They’ve been around for a while. So whats the deal you ask? Im glad you asked!

For starters, The company is called One. One bath and body. See previous blog for more info. Anywho. Everything that you hold in your hand is recyclable. They use no plastics what so ever. There are 4 shampoos and 1 conditioner.Each bar will last as long as three 8 oz bottles of shampoo or conditioner. They also come with tins that are also recyclable, that you can use for storing/travel. Spiffy if ya ask me! I would eventually like to review all of them. But at the moment my target only has 2 shampoos and one conditioner. Up first the shampoo.

Target has 2 of the 4 shampoos. The Hair biscuit and the squeaky clean. Since my hair tends to be oily, I chose the Squeaky Clean. It has a fruity smell to it. Can’t exactly put my finger on what fruit, but in any case it smells yummy! So like a person who thinks they know it all, I did the exact opposite of the directions on the package. I read it and it said, “get hair wet..run over your hair three or four times”. I was like ya, right…so I did it like 8 times….Lordy! There was tons of suds.. 3-4 is most def accurate, haha. Anywho. I did as such. And rinsed. The first thing I noticed was that it was smooth. And it also did not have that straw like feel that I got with a previous solid shampoo encounter (no names, but it was scary! Took loads of conditioner to fix). This is different though. Left a really nice scent afterwards. Kept sniffing my hair. I love the little portable tins, that are not only eye-catching, but are also super travel friendly. I throw these in my makeup bag and head out the door. This will last forever, and I will def buy it again when its gone. Am also considering making this my permanent shampoo after my bottles (shhhh!) in the shower are gone. Made my hair shiny and pretty. On a some what related note. My 6 year old has/had something that resembled cradle cap. I’m not sure why. But in any case I’ve tried everything to get rid of it. Deep conditioner, etc. Anyways. I used this along with the Hair Boost. And it wasn’t til later in the day that I realized that it was pretty much gone. Another shampoo and it was all gone. Pretty spectacular if ya ask me.

On to the Hair Boost Conditioner,……

Hair Boost. Or as my 6yr old calls it, the “yummy banana smelly soap stuff”. She came acrossed it and was like I want to use this in the shower. So I had to explain to her that it wasn’t body soap, that it was conditioner. Which made her look at me like I was crazy because all her life, shes known the stuff to come out of a bottle. SO she was immediately interested and wanted to take a shower. Big thumbs up from her by the way. She kept smelling her hair it was cute. I also loved it. The smells is intoxicating. It is like this deelish-smell. banana-fruity coconutty something. It was kind of a weird concept. As I was rubbing it on my head it really didn’t feel like anything was happening. But when the time came to rinse and I felt my hair, it was super smooth and soft. I do wish it was a tad bit more Creamier? or Softer? Just so it didn’t feel so hard to rub on my hair. But other then that it was spectacular! Once I was done and I dried it, my hair was noticeably less frizzy, it was quite smooth. Which is no small battle, because my hair is frizzy. My hair is about shoulder length or so now. Part of me wishes I hadn’t cut it, so I could see how it could handle my longer hair.

I love love love this stuff and def will buy again. @ $6.99 a bar, lasting 3 bottles worth, I think its def a steal! They also have more products that I have tried and will have reviews coming soon.

I am also well aware that they are being called Lush-copycats. However, I have to disagree. They aren’t the same. And I would have to say Im not being partial. I have not had the opportunity to try or go to a Lush store. Same concept yes. Same product no. Both companies each have something different as a whole that they are trying to achieve. On a side note, One includes tins with their bar, where as Lush you have to buy. no likey.

One Bath and Body can be found at most Target stores.

One is also on Facebook, so find them and let them know what you do or don’t like.

Have you tried these yet? What do you think? What other products of One’s have you tried?


27 Apr

Stay tuned this week because I will be reviewing tons of products!

One of the companies I will be reviewing is called One.
One Bath and Body You can visit there site @ http://www.onebathandbody.com

Today will company Info.
I recently stumbled acrossed them at Target and they are my new fav, must have, go to, it brand. Love it!

Natural beauty, No Plastic, Recycable, Cruelty Free

What really got me hooked was the interaction that takes place between customer and company. They are very much in touch with their consumers. Want their consumers to be happy, and most definitely want their feedback in improving products or getting customer opinion on new products. They also have the nicest president I’ve had the opportunity of dealing with. His name is Glenn Abrahamson. And when I emailed them, he personally responded. Amazing right? That like never happens with other places..Email them and let them know what you think of their products. They are on facebook as well, so check them out!

Their product line consists of 10 categories. Natural Soap, Solid Shampoo(&conditioner!), Hand and Body Lotion, Shea Body Butter, Lotion Massage Bar, Bath Fizzer, Lip Balm, Bath Salts, After Shower Skin Conditioner Bar, and Sponges.
And since I believe that each product scent variation has a lot to do with the differences I will be reviewing each product/scent seperate.

I will do more detailed reviews later so stay tuned.

In the meantime here are few things from their website to get you all antsy with excitement 🙂

One Philosopy

A new standard of green. One beautiful world begins with conscientious living. And conscientious living means preventing waste to save the planet, helping us all live more beautifully. ONE is committed to promoting natural beauty without compromising the beauty of the earth, providing eco-friendly products in recyclable, plastic-free packaging to rejuvenate the spirit and save the planet.

ONE takes eco-conscious to the next level, uniting superior natural ingredients and recyclable packaging to offer genuinely earth-friendly products. From pampering bath formulas to nourishing moisturizers, the entire collection is infused with rich essential oils, natural butters and delicate fragrance, energizing the mind and body with quality natural ingredients.

While some green brands stop at natural ingredients, ONE goes beyond healthy formulations by housing the collection in eco-conscious packaging. Because most recycling centers wont accept used plastic lotion and shampoo bottles that take over 1,000 years to biodegrade ONE exclusively packages its unprecedented collection in recyclable cardboard cartons and tins, housing nourishing, natural products in equally planet-friendly containers.