Tag Archives: lavender

erbaviva Organic Baby Soap

19 Jul

Probably the mildest soap you will find, made with love and care to delicately nurture you or your baby’s tender skin. Erbaviva’s Baby Soap contains only the highest quality natural ingredients. Pure milk, honey and essential oils of lavender are blended together to enhance the creamy rich lather. This soap is particularly helpful for people of all ages who have sensitive skin.

Olive oil, coconut oil, palm oil, milk, honey, lavender essential oil.

This product is exceptionally great for people with sensitive skin. The purpose in reviewing this was for my kids. But once I read the ingredients I decided to also review it as a gentle skin cleanser as well. Which it does a very good job at. I have problematic skin. It is oily, breaks out, is sensitive. This bar not only served its purpose as an excellent mild baby cleanser, but it surpassed my expectations of a gentle, mild, soap for anyone with sensitive. Its perfect to wash my 6 year olds face as well. When she lets me that is. I also think its important to mention that not only is olive oil good for problematic skin, but honey is healing and anti-bacterial, while lavender is soothing. Its an excellent concoction for my face.

It is made nice too. Its a nice generous size. It doesn’t have melting, mushy qualities that some bars have. I love bar soaps for washing my babies. Theres 2 wild little things splish-splashin’ around in the tub, so when baths are going to be or need to be quick, I turn to the aid of a bar soap. Makes scrubbing them up quick and easy. They smelled yummy when they got out. I reviewed a sample version of this. But after using it, I plan on buying the full size. Its fantastic.

You can buy the full size that comes gift wrapped in the cotton satchel for $12 or you can buy the refill for $8.


Its almost to cute to use. 🙂

You can find this at bar at Erbaviva , Saffron Rouge, and select places that sell organics.

Hugs & Lip Gloss,
Beauty Mama

This item was given to me in sample form for review purposes @ Beauty Like No Other, courtesy of Julie at Erbaviva. 🙂

erbaviva Organic Baby Washbag

19 Jul

I’ll admit when I first got this sample in the mail, I wasn’t sure what it was. Beauty Mama had a bit of a beauty brain fart, and thought maybe that you throw it in the wash, when you wash the babies clothes. Not the case. This is to wash the babies 🙂 In my defense, there is nothing like this anywhere out. Its exclusive to erbaviva, and its unlike anything I’ve ever seen. I know, your saying, “excuses, excuses Beauty Mama, just read the description”. 🙂

The Organic Baby Washbag was developed as a cleansing product soft and natural enough for the newborn baby. Cleansing but not drying it was designed to maintain the necessary oils natural to skin and important for good hydration, while leaving baby clean and fresh. The Organic Baby Washbag is an unbleached muslin sachet, filled solely with herbal ingredients, exuding a delightful aroma. Contains no soap. Cleans beautifully without drying the skin. One sachet is placed in the child’s bath and gently rubbed on baby’s skin for a soft cleansing straight from nature.

Ingredients: Organic oatmeal, organic milk powder, organic lavender flowers, organic essential oils of lavender and mandarin. Filled into an unbleached cotton sachet.

Because it contains milk, its important to know that it is single use. I really enjoyed this product. And since it was in sample form, while it was a blast to use and my babies loved it, I was sad that I no longer had the scent of it lingering in my room. The smell was intoxicating, and I loved it. Theses aren’t some mass product baby product. They are sewn by hand, with love, for your little one

I really love all the erbaviva products I have tried. This is definitely one of my favorites. I love that it is all natural, smells divine, and most importantly was extremely child friendly. My 3 year old loved washing herself with it, while I enjoyed letting her, and not fretting about her using half a bottle of wash or letting a soap bar melt in the bath. Although it was pretty funny, she was wondering why I allowed her to use a bean bag in the bath. 🙂 I love that its USDA Organic, and the high standards that erbaviva has for their products. They also are not afraid of their labels. They put them right out in the open, because theres nothing to hide. They encourage you to. Not only do they make great products, they have the simplest, yet most adorable packaging. I love it. They also have amazing gift sets on their site. You couldn’t go wrong with an erbaviva gift set.

These sachets are fantastic. And they are a really great product to use on a newborn. super mild, non irritating, and soothing.
Its also great for adults with sensitive skin. Oatmeal and Lavender are very soothing. I would definitely take a bath with one of these, but erbaviva makes mommy bath products too so… 🙂

You can find these sachets at Erbaviva, and a few selective sites online that carry natural and organic products. Saffron Rouge, is one of them.

Hugs & Lip Gloss,
Beauty Mama

This item was given to me in sample form for review purposes @ Beauty Like No Other, courtesy of Julie at Erbaviva. 🙂

tarte EyeQuatics Waterproof Summer Essentials Set *Sephora Exclusive*

18 Jul

So for starters. I love tarte. I’ve never met a tarte product that I didn’t like until just recently. I’d also like to mention that I hate writing bad reviews. Especially for a tarte product. But I must. My blog is all honesty, and even though I love tarte, I did not like this product at all. I was really excited to try this kit, and it fell short, big time.

So I guess for starters lets go over whats in it.
You get a deluxe Lights, Camera, Splashes! 4-in-1 Natural Waterproof Mascara, 3-Lock & Roll Creaseless Eye Shadow Duos in Lavendar, Teal, Champagne, Mod-Chic Head Scarf

Here are the cream colors by themselves:

Here are the loose powders by themselves:

And here is what they look like when used together:

This is the scarf, its really pretty, and its huge:

Ok so here comes the pros and cons:

The Pros:
It has a really pretty scarf, that is very big. It comes with a deluxe Light, Camera, Splashes! I did not review this product. I am assuming that I will like this product when I use it or someone will if I give it as a gift. I like the Lights, Camera, Lashes! so I am assuming that it is similar, just has waterproof qualities. Sorry I am frugal, and currently have mascaras open so I don’t want to waste.

The Cons:
I believe that they’re either old or have been sitting somewhere hot. Which made it maybe not perform as well. The purple was all seperated and there was no way to get it shook back together, it was gross. The first and only color I used on my eyelids was champagne. With primer it felt cakey, dry and very weird. Without primer, I don’t know how to explain it, but it did not go on smooth. It was more sheer in some spots, and it started to set so quickly that if I went back over the spot to correct, it messed it up even more. The only results I had were on the back of my hand when I swatched it. I don’t know if I would call it waterproof, it rinsed off pretty easy, without the use of soap.

The roller balls were ridiculously hard to use. I couldn’t get anything out unless I pushed REALLY hard. Other then that not much came out. I can’t imagine someone actually trying to push that hard on their eyelids to roll it on. Ouch!
My BIGGEST complaint. And I had forgot that I read this previously on a Sephora.com review. I swatched the teal on my hand. Like I said the colors rinsed off easily. HOWEVER. The teal. Oh. My. Gosh. Left a teal line on the top of my hand…….for 3, THREE!! days. WHAT?!?! I was on Sephora earlier, and tons of people are saying the same thing. Thats just crazy. SO beware….Do NOT put the Teal on your eyelids!

I’m really shocked at this kit. When I first heard about Lock & Roll Creaseless Shadows, I was like, that sounds perfect for my oily eyelids. Not so much. It was an awful product. I haven’t decided if I’m keeping it. I am just glad that I bought it when it was $15 and not whatever it used to be. I haven’t decided if the scarf and deluxe mascara are worth the $15 to keep, or gift to someone.
I do not recommend this set what so ever. 😦 Sorry tarte.

Hugs & Lip Gloss,
Beauty Mama