Tag Archives: balm

BADGER Baby Balm

6 Jul

Ahhh, Badger Balm. What can I say about one of my top 2 favorite companies ever? Besides the fact that they are fantastic? There’s just so many.

This balm in particular is one of the ones that I buy the most.
It is their baby balm, and I absolutely love, love, love it. My number One favorite balm is their Evolving Body Balm. Which I also use on my face, but since I am out of it….sniffle, sniffle. I’ve discovered that this is an equally good substitute.

I use it for so many different things. Mainly on the kids, but I use it to. After a bath, I put a little bit between the palms of my hands and rub it til it gets warm, then I rub it all over my babies to keep their skin soft, smooth, and healthy. I keep an extra one in the diaper bag for face and lips when out. It is especially wonderful for little cheeks. Keeps the dryness at bay. I started using it when my son was drooling all the time and his poor little chin got all red. This protected his skin from the wetness, and helped heal it.

With only 5 ingredients, all of which are Certified USDA organic, your well informed that it is not only safe, but good for you.

-Extra Virgin Olive Oil
-Castor Oil

As stated on the back of the tin it is great for adults with sensitive skin. I would highly recommend it to any adult or child that has and eczema. My children have had dry patches of it before and this works wonders. Like I said as well to, I use this on my face at night. My misbehaving, oily, acne prone skin drinks it up, heals it, and NEVER EVER breaks me out. People with oily and especially acne prone skin shouldn’t shy away from certain oils, they can be quite beneficial for your skin.

Comes in a 2oz Tin (about the size of a hockey puck) for around $10
A .75oz Tin that runs about $5

Available at http://www.badgerbalm.com

and SOME mom & pop type shops