Disclosure/Contact Info/Reader Requests

Unless otherwise stated, ALL products are mine. Paid for by me, with my own money. From time to time I will be reviewing products given to me by said PR or Company, and at that time I will clearly state that at the end of my post. Free products do not equal good reviews. I review my products honestly, and fairly. I am unbiased.

Please understand that sometimes I come acrossed a product that literally knocks my socks off. I will love it, and I can’t help that. It also will clearly show when I review said product. It is very easy to review something that is spectacular. SOME times I really do love a product, but I will be having a writers block kinda day. Or it is a product that is very detailed..contains specific things, or does spectacular things. Sometimes I am not that good at putting it into my own words or getting my point acrossed as to how great it is. At which point I will use product info off company website, in which I will clearly state.

As per my own privacy reasons since my blog is very public I chose not to do full facial shots when I do make up. This does not mean that I will not write a good review. I will do swatches, and I will review your product extremely well, and make sure that when I get done, that it gets a lot of publicity (facebook,twitter,etc.)

I am more then willing to review anything given to me as long as it is green, natural, organics, free of junk, or a product that is nifty such as an item that is made out of recycled product. (example..I have a fleece hoodie made out of recycled water bottles, how cool!)
As I said, on my about my blog page, I do this as a side thing. I promise anything that is sent to me will be reviewed in a timely manner. Somethings like skincare I like to take a couple days to make sure I can give it a proper review. I review products in the order that they are received. At the latest, I will have reviews up 1 week after I receive them. In the event that I am super swamped it may a few days later.

To contact me, you can A) Leave feedback/Comments on a post or
The easiest way B) Email me at BeautyLikeNoOther@gmail.com and I reply ASAP. I am normally quick to respond since all emails come to my blackberry.

Per Reader Request I will review requested products, if it is within my budget or if I am able to get a sample of such product.

As always, please use kind words on my site. Occasionally I take the time to go back and correct misspellings and misplaced grammar….This isn’t english 101, and I don’t claim to be the best proof reader, so please don’t correct me. Thank you!!!

Hugs & Lip Gloss,
Beauty Mama

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