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A Wake Up Story

10 Aug

This video needs to spread around more. People just don’t get it, I don’t think. Child safety againist chemicals is soooo utterly important, I can’t even put it into words.

Newborn babies, and little childrens skin is 5 times thinner then an adults. Which means it absorbs that much more. And that is just the ickys in the bath and body world. Theres so much more to it. From what they eat, what they wear, sleep on, play with etc.

Knowledge is power, and as a parent, you can NEVER learn to much when it comes to protecting your kids from chemicals.

Site Maintenance

25 Jul

I will be away from my desk for the week, due to the passing of my grandma.

I’ve taken advantage of this downtime, and have decided to do some site maintenance.

I am working on moving to Beauty Like No Other, to its own domain. Site should be up, fully launched, and ready to go August 1st. I’m very excited about what this venture holds for me, and the future of my blog. Check back for details, or sign up for email subscription and be notified promptly. Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding in regards to this matter.

Hugs & Lip Gloss,
Beauty Mama

A little lost today

20 Jul

Oy! Beauty Mama has lost/misplaced, her USB cord for her Blackberry. Why is this important you ask? Beauty Mama uses tether to get online. Without the cord, she has no internet, and can not give you the latest and the greatest! Oh no! ;). Ya, like its the end of the world right? Haha.
Hoping to find it, and be back online before the end of the day or sooner!
Until then trying out WordPress for Blackberry App, we’ll see how that goes.

BE Bare Minerals Matte Foundation

8 Jul

In being fair to everyone I decided to not be a bare minerals snob and re-review. Let’s recap. For 6 years I was a faithful BE girl. Loved my BE and owned every collection ever made. I had over 100 brushes as well.
Towards the end of my relationship was when the mineral craze hit the world and people everywhere went ga-ga over mineral powders.

It started getting mass produced, got cheaper, and the quality just sucked! It felt gross and greasy. I called there customer service who told me nothing changed and wondered if I knew how to apply it correctly. Seriously?! 6 years I wore it, and that’s what she asks me? Oy.

So. Sephora included a sample 10 day trial of BE matte, mineral veil, and an itty bitty kabuki brush, in my order. I thought eh if nothing else, I’ll have another brush. It was free, and it also gave me the chance to try the matte version, which supposedly was good for oily skin yada yada.

I have a brush. That’s what I got out of it. I still don’t like BE. The matte version was just weird. I wear or wore, fairly light. The fairly light matte was darker and was like almost a orangish shade. Not a fan. Not a fan at all. Not only was it a little darker, but it also did nothing for my skin either. It still felt the same as the original. A hot mess. Felt greasy and gross.

Sorry Leslie, nothings changed. You guys dropped the ball on a really good thing you had going.

LAVANILA The Healthy Deodorant

8 Jul

SO this is the first deodorant, that I am reviewing. I have 3 others, but I haven’t reviewed them yet, so here it goes!

First off, I have wanted to try this deodorant for quite some time now. But the price always made me change my mind. Its $18. I am all for natural deodorant. But $6 is like the most I’ve ever spent. I suppose if I had a Sephora near me, I would have tried all kinds of things that I’ve wanted to try. And things would be different.

At 1.7oz, It feels like more then that. It has some weight to it, and it feels hefty. Not mention that packaging is super cute..Because come on now, what is so cute about deodorant right? But this is cute. I like the twist on lid versus one that pops off.

This particular one is Vanilla Grapefruit. It took me a little bit to adjust to the smell, but after that I was fine. It doesn’t smell bad, it just smells different. Nothing I’ve ever smelled before kinda thing, ya know? Crisp Grapefruit and Lime combine for a crisp fresh feeling. And it does too. That was probably one of the first things I noticed about it, was that it was cooling. Which felt great.

Yesterday was literally the best day to test this out, it was like a ridiculous 90 some degrees it was horrid. And it performed beautifully.

LAVANILA delivers a new generation of 100% healthy products formulated with the highest quality of natural and organic ingredients. They’re packed with vitamins and minerals, and completely free of harsh chemicals.
The leave out all the garbage such as Petrochemicals, Phthalates, Propylene Glycol, Mineral Oils, Silicone, Synthetic Dyes, Sulfates, or Parabens.

A clinical-strength deodorant that is 100% natural, safe, and effective.
Its been Clinically tested and Dermatologist Recommended. Non-irritating, allergy-tested formula AND aluminum free!
It uses beta-glucan technology to effectively fight odor while soothing, conditioning, and strengthening the skin. It goes on clean, with no sticky wetness, and delivers long-lasting, luxurious results.

I love this deodorant. I like the smell, I don’t love it, but I like it. Next time I would probably buy the vanilla lavender or vanilla coconut.
Like I said its $18, available at Sephora and
I would buy this again, definitely. It really does work, and I like that the whole container is full. Its not like 1/2 full like most deodorants are. You get what you pay for, its expensive yes, but its worth it. I highly recommend it! 🙂

DISCLOSURE: This item was given to me for review purposes, by the lovely Käthe, and I greatly appreciate it!!

Ode to Tether

8 Jul

So along with thanking Research in Motion, I MUST, give a HUGE shout out to tether.

Without tether, the magic would literally not be happening, plain and simple.

What is tether you ask?
Tether is an application that allows your PC to take advantage of your Smartphone’s data plan, allowing you to access the Internet on your laptop anywhere. In my opinion one of the best things ever made after the smartphone was created.

What it costs..
1 week free trial
49.95 ONE TIME fee, 1 time ONLY
30 Day Money Back Guarentee
*If you break, lose, or damage your phone, you can replace Tether at no extra charge.*

What it does..

Internet Anywhere
You can use Tether anywhere you can make phone calls.

Easy Setup
Download the software to your BlackBerry® and another for your laptop. Then surf the web and email just like you would with any Internet connection.

Fast Speeds
Download speeds that are impressive. Users download at speeds up to 2,400 kbps.

No Tethering Fees
Tether uses your phone’s data plan and we do not charge tethering fees

All BlackBerry® Smartphones
Tether is compatible with all BlackBerry® Smartphones.

All Carriers
Tether has been used by carriers all over the world. Some carriers do require APN settings, though. It appears it does not work on the iDen Network.

Windows & Mac Compatible
Tether is compatible on Windows and Mac

For most people its a Wi-Fi solution, you either can’t find a hot spot or traveling, etc. I however use it in a way, they may not be exactly what they created it for, but in any case, its a lifesaver.

I live a little bit out of town, so as far as internet providers goes, my options are limited and costly. I came acrossed tether, and figured I have 1 week to see if it works. It is spectacular and has great speeds. For me it not only enables me to have internet everywhere, but at home, it is my one and only as far as internet goes. Without tether, I would not have internet, because not only is it expensive, but I do not want to be tied down to another bill.

Thank you tether!!!

you can get your copy @

and follow them on facebook and twitter: @tethercom

Ode to my Blackberry

8 Jul

So the next week or so, is going to be busy. BUSY, busy. Lots of reviews, lots of testing. My six year old is extremely excited to be along for that part of the ride 🙂

Anyways. Before I go any further, I wanted to stop, and say thank you, to my blackberry.

It is no secret to most, that you do not ever see me without my blackberry, as I am a self-proclaimed blackberry lover. Yes, this is totally un-makeup/beauty related, and to some, may seem very lame. HOWEVER. I have 3 little kids, so I am extremely busy. And getting time to sit down and get my reviews done is a serious crunch time. So 90% of what I do get done. Is done by blackberry. It is a powerhouse, and plows through the day, giving me all my emails when I get it, taking me online, if need be, It gets the job done plain and simple. I would never have been able to do everything I’ve done in the last week, such as emailing companies, and PR companies, without my blackberry.

So thank you RIM (Research in Motion) for making such a spectacular phone, I love You!!

PS-And even though iPhone4 looks yummy, I promise not to stray. 😉

One Bath and Body- Oh, my gosh! Lotion Massage Bar

8 Jul

You know that feeling at the end of the day. You know the one. The one where your feet hurt soooo bad, but you can’t get a foot rub? calling all women of the 21st century, whose husbands don’t give foot rubs!! (well unless you ask maybe)

This is YOUR foot rub to yourself. Its called Oh, My Gosh Lotion Massage Bar. And Oh my Gosh is right. After you’ve had a long day, and showered sit down and run this over your feet. The lotion just melts into your skin, while the Aduki beans rub your feet to sheer delight. My feet are ticklish, however this bar, and the little rubbing beans, made me think exactly that…Oh My Gosh.

It felt so good. My feet felt so pampered when I was done. I put it back in the adorable storage tin, then I got my favorite fuzzy socks on and went to bed, and in the morning when I woke up, my feet felt so relaxed, and soft. Such a great item, I would definitely buy this again. It makes a great addition along with any of the other One Items for a spa gift basket which I have done a couple times now, and people love these!

Bits and pieces of juicy info off the packaging:
-natural beauty
-cruelty free
-no plastics

-melts the stress away, and heals the aching body
-help One save the planet from packaging waste, please buy recyclable products

Directions: Place directly on skin, it will actually tingle as it glides over your body. Massage into skin concentrating on tense muscles and sore spots. Caution Highly addictive, leaves your skin relaxed and smelling great.

Love it! Would definitely buy it again. I’m really starting to love the lotion bar concept. Its great.
You can find this item at Target.

DISCLOSURE: This item was given to me for review purposes for my site and I greatly appreciate it.

Tarte Lifted™ Natural Eye Primer with Firmitol™

6 Jul

Oh Boy where do I start? You know the age old question amongst your girlfriends, “If you were stuck on a desert island, or if you could only have 1 thing out of your beauty bag, what would be?” I know that I’ve gushed about how spectacular tarte’s Amazonian Clay products are. And they are. But…… For me, this may be it. This may be my “it” product.

Fantastic, Amazing, Spectacular, Wonderful, Powerful, should I go on? Yes, Lets…….

Ok Now, let me be clear on something before I go any further, and coming off like some professional or a know it all. 2 weeks ago, I did not wear an eyeshadow primer. Did not understand the concept of it, didn’t believe it, etc., etc I could go on and on. Now…its different. Not only do I more then get it, I don’t know how I EVER did my eye makeup with out it. I really don’t. 2 weeks ago, I learned about tarte’s eyelid primer, and at the same moment, I also learned it was like 20 bucks. I said ya, right, thats crazy. Now granted I wanted it. I have the worlds most oily eye lids, and the sheer thought of something not only making my eyeshadow not crease but make it last all day, made me jump for joy. But at $20, my frugalista side showed up, and said, “Whoa, Girly”. But now? I’d drop $20 (if I had it) on it without thinking about it.

However a few days later, I received my femme naturale palette. And in it, was a FREE deluxe eyelid primer sample, I was sooooo flippin’ excited…no really. I think for a brief few seconds I was more excited about the primer, then the palette. Silly me.
So I thought what better way to try it out, then with my new palette. For the next few days..I kept track and added time to how long my eye make up had been on. The first day it was 8 hours…still there, next day 12 hours, and the day after that, I was up late. And you know what?! 15 HOURS LATER….it was still there, NO creasing, NO oiliness, EVERY bit of my eye make up was still there! All of it. It looked exactly the same as when I put it on. It is soooooo utterly amazing, I don’t even know if there is an excited enough word for it.

It is a sheer nude shade. Blends in well, and sets quickly, and doesn’t feel heavy on my eyelids. In fact, one day I was running late and forgot to use it. I noticed with the primer on I don’t feel my eye make up on my eyelids. With it off, I felt it, my eye make up felt greasy and heavy.

I only have the deluxe size, and I’ll be sad when its gone, as funds are tight and replacing it right this second might be hard. But it should last me a good while. The tube seems to have quite a bit in it, so the full size would probably last me forever. One of my favorite ways to use this product isn’t even when I’m wearing eye make up. Even if I am having just a quick makeup day, wear I just buff on some bronzer I will still use the primer. Reason being, is that I put a little bronzer my eyes to give them some color, and then Im out the door. Holds the color of the bronzer as well as keeps my eye lids from getting oily. Awesome!

I’m not recommending it…..I’m telling you, that you and your eyelids NEED this!!!

Available @ Sephora, and

What do you think?

Have it, Love it, or Want it?

Tell ME!

Under Construction

6 Jul

The next few days I will be playing around with different themes for my blog. While I did/do like the teal colored one I was using I am trying to find something with a lighter background. Bare with me! 🙂 Thanks! Any suggestions let me know!