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Juice Beauty Organic Lip Moisturizer

20 Jul

Sometimes I like to review products and see if I can review them in 3 words. This was one of them. Here is how I describe it in 3 words:

Sweet, Shiny, Yummy-delicious-ness.

Ok so that was almost 4. And I don’t know if “yummy-delicious-ness”, is a word, but I like it and it should be. But seriously, YUM!

The first thing I noticed was that it had a sweet yummy smell. Sweet Orange. I would say, due to the orange oil in it. Along with Orange Oil, it has Beeswax, Shea Butter, Vanilla, Cocoa Butter, and Vitamin E(non-GMO). All of which are certified organic, except for the vitamin E. The second thing I noticed was the shine. It has a high shine for yummy glossy lips.

It is USDA approved. Which means that Juice Beauty has met the strict standards, guidelines and regulations that the National Organic Program has. Which is greater then 95% organic content.

I love that they mentioned it on the box, because its important to me. Our skin absorbs up to 64% of what we put on it. Plus anything you put on your lips, you eat. Calling all Bonnie Belle Lip SMACKER fans!! You do NOT want to know what is in your lip balm. But you really should!

I really like this gloss. It leaves your lips super soft with a high shine. Its the perfect all natural gloss. My mom who is a balm/gloss lover tried it and said she liked it to. And she doesn’t like a lot of things so.

In conclusion,… Sweet, Shiny, Lip Smackin’, Yummy-delicious-ness. Sounds good to me!

Its a good thing Juice is in the name because its pretty darn juicy. 😉

Love this lip gloss will definitely buy again!

Hugs & Lip Gloss(shiny ones!),
Beauty Mama

This item was sent to me for review purpose by Rosalind, and I’m so greatful. Great intro to Juice Beauty line!!

BADGER Tinted Lip Balms

6 Jul

Ok so I love BADGER products. Seriously, Love. And I thought my lip balm world was completely content. I had 3 Badger Cocoa Butter Lip Balms, that were my all time favs, I take them everywhere. Then I met this….

BADGER……Tinted…….Lip……..Balms. Oh wow.

I could barely contain my excitement. You’re thinking…your crazy, its just a lip balm. But its not, its so utterly delightful.
First of all, its double ended. On one end you get a shimmer (Opal Shimmer), and on the other end you get a color. There
are 4 colors to choose from:

Red Jasper, Rose Tourmaline, Garnet, and Copper.

I own Garnet and I love it!

Its the same formula as there Cocoa Butter Lip Balms only with color. Super Moisturizing, Never sticky, just smoothness.

The opal shimmer was a little hard to get a picture of. For whatever my camera was not cooperating. So its not really this color, its more of a whitish color. I was just trying to be detailed.

I love this color. I would definitely buy it again, as well as the other colors to, even having not seen them yet, I know I’d like them.

From left to right….Garnet-sheer, Garnet with more intensity, and Opal shimmer.

Thats one of the things that I really liked about this product. You can wear it sheer or you can layer it thicker, almost like a glossy lipstick for more intensity.

Fantastic Product!!

Available @ for $6.50