About my Blog

Not everyone gets why I do what I do, nor do they support it. I do this blog because I enjoy it. This blog fulfills a void. I do this for myself, I don’t do it for anyone else, so I am not at all affected my negative energy, from people, I don’t do this page for them anyways. I’ve put a lot of work into, and its blossomed and has become quite successful, and I am proud of it.

Sometimes there are days where I do have reviews that I want to work on. But they don’t get done until the following day because I work around everyone else’s schedule, and not everyone cares that I have work to do. No I don’t get paid to do this blog. And I don’t need to, its fulfilling in its own way. But I consider it work, and I rather enjoy it. I’d rather be happy and unpaid then to be paid and unhappy.

I really believe that a good majority of the beauty industry is garbage. There is definitely not enough knowledge about ingredients. What they are, what they do, and what the side of effects of them are. This is a review site for natural and organic products, and only those products. Sometimes there will be yummy food finds because a girls gotta eat! I will also be reviewing baby products, because as a mom, I am passionate about using clean chemical-free products on my kids, and I’m proud of that.

I am also going to merge food reviews into a segment called Beauty Mama Fit. It will include healthy foods, tip/pointers for working out, good shoes, clothing, etc. to help you stay healthy and fit.

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And on Twitter @BeautyLikNother


Hugs & Lip Gloss,
Beauty Mama

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