Who is Paul Penders?

18 Jul

On my blog journeys I discover hidden gems. One of my favorite gems lately has been Paul Penders. Who is Paul Penders you ask, and why have I never heard of him. I don’t remember what exact phrase I had typed in my google. But about a week or so ago I said the same thing. I’m like who is Paul Penders? I’m glad I found out…

In a short summary:
Paul Penders (Malaysia) is a pioneer in the natural cosmetic world. He started his company 30 years ago. And today he has become world renowned for his skin, hair, bodycare and makeup products, which are made on a Rainforest Island. He is also is an active environmentalist and avid animal rights activist. He incorporates these beliefs into his products. His philosophy of NO chemicals, and NO animal testing started with no shampoos and turned into a vast ocean of organic and natural products.

His history is quite interesting. For Example, Paul became involved in a battle with the Dutch government in 1984. They wanted to close Paul’s factory because he refused to do animal testing. As a result, Paul moved his factory to the United States.

You can read more on his story at Paul Penders.

Paul Penders is sold exclusively in the US and Canada at AllNaturalCosmetics.com

Fantastic Brand! Stay Tuned review for Paul Penders ICT(Intensive Clarifying Treatment) coming up next!

Hugs & Lip Gloss,
Beauty Mama

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